A journey through history and flavors

Imagine being transported back in time to when Constantinople was the beating heart of the Eastern Roman Empire. Now open your eyes and find yourself within the ancient walls of this legendary city, but on the shores of Lake Como, in the historic tavern of the last Roman fortress in the Alps. This is where your journey through the centuries begins, in a place that has seen conspirators dream of the resurrection of Italy and generations of guests share passions, flavors, and stories.

Our narration unfolds among the gentle hills and crystal- clear waters of the lake, where time seems to have stopped to let us savor every single moment. The lands of the lake, the men and women who honor us with their presence, all converge in a story of life that renews itself with each encounter. A bond with History After the unification of Italy, the quiet life of our lakeside tavern intertwines with that of the Milanese Carboneria, a secret society conspiring for Italy’s unity.

The Bazzoni family, guardians of this history, continues the trade of colonial products and expands to Trieste, where Riccardo Bazzoni becomes mayor from 1878 to 1890. His appointment is celebrated with such fervor that the citizens carry him triumphantly to Piazza Grande, where he donates a rose of extraordinary color, later renamed “Rosa Bazzoni” in his honor. In 1913, the construction of the first road between Como and Bellagio injects new energy into entrepreneur Francesco Bazzoni, the fourth innkeeper of the family.

Together with Virginia Bambina Ponisio, he transforms the old tavern into a refined Belle Époque restaurant in Art Nouveau style. However, World War I interrupts their dreams of glory, temporarily halting the influx of American tourists and European nobility. In 2019, Pietro, Francesco’s son, decides to lovingly restore the ancient walls, rich with memories and emotions. On the day of Corpus Domini, the Government reopens the doors to visitors from all over the world, who often discover a deep connection to this historic house.

The eighth generation, represented by Cristina, Michele Francesco, Lucia, and Lisa, continues the work begun by their ancestors with dedication and love. Every corner of this place tells a story, starting from the entrance door marked with the year 1801 and the initials of the innkeeper of that time, Francesco Bazzoni. It was in this tavern that Silvio Pellico spent his last night of freedom, taking us back to when it was known as “Justinian’s Tavern.”

Today, Pietro Bazzoni and his wife Silvia welcome guests with traditional local dishes that trace their roots back to Byzantine times. The dishes reflect an interesting combination of East and West, with hints of the Risorgimento period. Iconic dishes include duck breast served with Tropea onions, both cooked at low temperatures, telling a story of passion and tradition.

We invite you to experience the simple joy of our forefathers’ lives, in this corner of paradise, at the table of a restaurant miraculously and mysteriously spared by time. Enjoy our history, which is also yours, letting your soul be nourished, like us, by the One who holds the true Government of time and the world. Osteria Il Governo 1801 is where history and flavors merge to create a unique experience, today just like as it was 1,500 years ago.


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