VINE MASTER PRUNERS Academy by SIMONIT&SIRCH the world’s first online platform dedicated to vine pruning training
VINE MASTER PRUNERS Academy (vinemasterpruners. com) is the world’s first digital platform entirely dedicated to vine pruning training. It was created by SIMONIT&SIRCH, the VINE MASTER PRUNERS who pioneered the innovative SIMONIT&SIRCH Pruning Method, which can be adapted to all forms of vine training and makes plants healthier and longer-lived. An industry benchmark around the world, they are the only specialized and accredited international group for training manual vineyard pruning personnel. They work in the world’s major wine-growing districts, where they advise more than 150 of the most prestigious companies and collaborate with many renowned international wine research institutes and universities. They founded the DUTE – Diplôme Universitaire de Taille et Épamprage in Bordeaux (the only university accredited pruning diploma in the world) and many Pruning Schools in various states. “I believe that pruning is the elixir of life for the vine, and I am convinced that it is important to share our knowledge – explains Marco Simonit, co-founder of SIMONIT&SIRCH – So we created this platform, where people from vineyards around the world meet, to collectively help vines at any latitude become stronger, more sustainable, longer-lived and better able to adapt to climate change.”

The platform -in both Italian and English- offers various levels of training, which can be chosen according to one’s needs, with both online tests and practical tests in the vineyard. As the participant follows the entire course, he or she will acquire more advanced skills. Success in the various theoretical and practical tests allows one to obtain certificates of various levels that will gradually open the door to further levels, all the way up to the qualification of VINE MASTER PRUNER. It begins with the VINE PRUNER course, where the basics of the SIMONIT&SIRCH METHOD are taught on the most common forms of training, namely Guyot and Spurred Cordon. With VINE PRUNER ADVANCED levels, Guyot and Spurred Cordon are explored in depth in the stages of training and management over time, while space is devoted to the restructuring and conversion of existing vineyards. VINE PRUNER EXPERT levels, in two modules, will examine the typical forms of the world’s major vineyard districts. Selected according to one’s interests, these are the only pruning courses in the world on the forms of the various territories, explained as never before. Those aiming for the title of VINE MASTER PRUNER will have to prove their ability to prune in all forms of vine training in use in major international districts. Any winemaker, vineyard manager, wine-lover or student interested in pruning can join this digital community, improve his or her technique, compare with people from all over the world, and exchange experiences. The platform is gradually being updated with new courses and enhanced by the discussion and exchanges among everyone who accesses it. As of July 2022, it has had over 276,000 visits and more than 9,600 registered users. People from 38 countries have purchased the courses. The VINE MASTER PRUNERS Academy is also the largest Pruners Community in the world. An innovative, first-of-its-kind venture sponsored by FELCO SA, the world’s leading manufacturer of pruning tools.