Monaci Vesuviani is a company that have been producing craft beer since 2014. The two founders, Lino and Daniele, are a dentist and a computer scientist, lifelong friends and united by a mutual passion for beer. Their story begins in 1994, when they started studying how quality beer is produced and how it is tasted, taking professional courses, and traveling around Italy and Europe to enrich their experience, becoming “Beer Taster” in 2012. During the last 20 years, the two friends have been making small homemade beer productions, using a pilot plant produced by the Italian company Braumaster, a real miniature brewery. All the phases of beer production are studied and improved a thousand times: from the milling of the grains to the search for hops, from mashing to boiling, from fermentation to refermentation in the bottle: every step has been explored with an assiduous search for perfect balances. The numerous competitions, industry specialists, restaurant managers, friends and family members all agree on the same thing: the beers are great! So in 2014 Lino and Daniele decided to give life, with a very small initial production, to Monaci Vesuviani, a company that sells beer with new and personalized recipes. It’s an immediate success! The beer is sold in some pizzerias in the famous cities of Naples, Pompeii and Salerno. In seven years only, the beer that was born as a local product is exported first to Italy, then to Europe, United Kingdom, Russia and even Asia. The secret of a success so great is the product! All of the Monaci Vesuviani beers are the result of a long search for balance between the most classic European beer traditions and the harmony of all-Italian taste. We use high quality ingredients and beers are inspired by the harmony of the five elements useful for production: water, earth, fire, metal and wood, to which our first five beers are dedicated. Golden Sand, Blaze, Arrow and Stream are the awards winning first beers to be produced, and have many high scores in the valuations of blogs and apps. The “Street’s Beer” line is a category of beers for fast consumption, but with a strong and pleasant all-Italian character! Then, the Partenopea line, dedicated to the famous city of Naples: is becoming famous all over the world, with its simplicity and freshness that go perfectly with pizza. Two beers have been awarded among the best Italian beers consecutively between 2019 and 2021 by the prestigious Cerevisia Award of the C.E.R.B. first Italian research center for beer excellence.